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瞧一瞧:McLaren Special Operations 650s 勒芒特别版跑车

发布时间:2022-05-07 11:46:13 阅读: 来源:管子钳厂家
McLaren Special Operations 650s 勒芒特别版跑车

McLaren Special Operations 650s 勒芒特別版跑車: 为了纪念品牌在 1995 年「勒芒 24 小时拉力赛」上的辉煌战绩,英国超跑制造商 McLaren 近日特别打造了一款限量版 650S 向那段光辉岁月致敬。作为一款由 McLaren Special......

McLaren Special Operations 650s 勒芒特别版跑车,

为了纪念潮牌在 1995 年「勒芒 24 小时拉力赛」上的辉煌战绩,英国超跑制造商 McLaren 近日特别打造了一款限量版 650S 向那段光辉岁月致敬。作为一款由 McLaren Special Operations 与 F1 赛车设计师 Peter Stevens 共同打造佳作,这款车在很多设计上都借鉴了 20 年前夺冠的那台 #59 McLaren F1 GTR 勒芒赛车, 包括车顶进气口和 Sarthe Grey 灰色金属漆等等,并在 650S 的基础上加装了碳纤维头唇与后保险杠,以及最新研发的车尾气流扩散器与侧面进气口等等,整体造型十分激进。

动力方面,新车将会搭载与 650S 相同的 3.8 升双涡轮增压 V8 发动机,其峰值马力达到 641 hp,峰值扭矩为 500 lb-ft,最高时速为 333 km/h,并且 0-100 km/h 加速仅需 3.0 秒。内饰方面,车款采用了黑色真皮与橙色 Alcantara 内饰的设计,而运动座椅的头靠,以及地垫上也分别绣有「Le Mans」字样表明特殊身分。

对于这款车的设计,Peter Stevens 表示:

The design of the McLaren F1 rewrote the rulebook. It was intended to offer the ultimate, no compromise road driving experience. The fact that it was transformed into a racer, and a race winner, was true testament to the strength and integrity of the original design, which is something I am very proud of. With a mix of subtle design trai强拆报警应该立案处理吗
ts, the 650S Le Mans adds a modern twist by blending the i没有证的厂房扩路被拆迁有补偿吗
conic lines of the McLaren F1, and heritage features such as the wing louvres and the roof-mounted air intake, with groundbreaking technologies. It is a fantastic homage to that original design, and to the incredible race result achieved by the team in 1995 at one of the most difficult, and most challenging races in the world.

这款仅限量生产 50 台的超限量跑车,目前已经正式开启预定窗口,定价为 £244,500 英镑,并将于今年年中正式交付。